By Swami Shrutananda
I was mesmerized when I heard the song You Raise Me Up, sung by Peter Hollens. Being so full of gratitude, love and devotion, it got me contemplating: whom do I have gratitude for?
Who has raised me up? The composer, Rolf Loveland, states everyone raises one another up. Josh Groban, who wrote the lyrics, says God raises him up. This is Grace.
I have found that Grace has been there throughout my whole life. Perhaps yours, too. Not everything has been easy, but I have gotten help along the way. As I listened to this song, I thought of my family, my teachers, co-workers, friends and God. They all supported me and raised me up to more than I thought I could be.
Then I found a spiritual master, a yoga Guru, Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati (aka Gurudevi). She showed me that I am so much more. More than others think I can be. But more importantly — so much more than I think I can be.
This is the specialty of the Svaroopa® Sciences. They raise you up physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You get it all!
You can’t pull yourself up to such a state by your own bootstraps. You need a Guru. A Guru is an agent of Grace. The importance of the Guru is that they raise you up to what they got from their Guru.
From their Guru, they got the knowing of their own Divine Greatness within, the one Self being everyone and everything. So a Guru is someone who can guide you, inspire you and push you when needed.
For me the Grace of the Guru is described in this verse from “You Raise Me Up”:
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come, and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until You come and sit with me.
Soul level is the deepest level of your individual existence, reincarnating from lifetime to lifetime. It empowers you to bring your sense of separation and pain with you, along with all your karma. Your soul needs a way to access the Ultimate Reality — your own Self — that you feel separate from.
To end that sense of separation, meditation is a primary practice. You sit in an easy upright position and wait in silence. But being left alone with your mind and all its thoughts can be a little daunting. In SvaroopaÒ Vidya meditation you are given the mantra of this lineage to repeat. This sacred phrase settles you inward deeper than your mind. Your meditations are deep and easy.
How does the mantra work? The mantra is the portable Guru. When repeating mantra, you are calling the Grace of this lineage to you. With each repetition you are invoking their presence and their blessings. They support you as you undertake your inner exploration of your own Divine Greatness.
One morning during meditation, I suddenly felt like I was being lifted up right off my meditation seat. I was reminded of this meditation experience by the song’s second verse:
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
In that meditation experience, I saw and felt the force that was beneath me. It was Bhagavan Nityananda, a Great Being of this lineage. I was being lifted up on his shoulders. Surges of bliss were coursing through my body. Angels were singing his chant, Jaya Jaya Arati. We chant this at the Ashram to honor Bhagavan Nityananda every morning. I was ecstatic.
From that experience, I know I am riding on the shoulders of the great spiritual giants of this lineage. This is Grace. The Gurus raise you up to more than you think you can be.
Once you know your own Divine Greatness, you can stand on mountains. Not only stand on mountains but know you are the mountains, the skies, the oceans and more. You will come to know you are that One Divine Reality that has become everything and is being everything and more.
You have equanimity of mind because you are anchored in the depths of your own Divine Greatness. When based in your own Divine Greatness, you can walk on stormy seas.
Yet, there is more. This is a mystical tradition. In this tradition the Guru is a Shaktipat Guru who gives Shaktipat initiation. Gurudevi is such a Guru. Shaktipat initiation awakens your Kundalini, the Divine Energy within you.
This empowers you to attain the highest goal of human life — knowing your own Divine Greatness, your own Self. This is Grace. When awakened by the Guru, Kundalini climbs your spine from tail to top. She is the mystical force that is the energy of your own Self-Realization, as described in the Sanskrit text, Shree Guru Gita:
You should perceive your joyous Self
Through the gift of Guru’s grace.
This is the Guru’s proven path
Where Self-Knowing shines from within
— Sri Guru Gita verse 110 (1)
It is the gift of Guru’s Grace that raises me up to the knowing of my own Divine Greatness. You can receive this gift as well. Meet my Guru online or in person. She wants you to know your own Divine Greatness, your own Self.
(1) Rendered by Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati